


推薦的 DNS 提供商

The recommendations here do not collect personally identifying information (PII) based on each service's privacy policy. 不能保證這些隱私政策都有好好落實。

如果您的威脅模型需要向搜尋供應商隱藏您的IP位址,請考慮使用 VPNTor

提供商 Search Index Tor Hidden Service Logging / Privacy Policy Country of Operation
Brave Search Independent Anonymized1 United States
DuckDuckGo Bing Anonymized2 United States
Startpage Google and Bing Anonymized3 Netherlands

Brave Search logo

Brave Search is a search engine developed by Brave. 該索引是針對 Google 搜索進行優化,因此與其他替代方案相比,可以提供更具上下文準確性的結果。

Brave Search includes unique features such as Discussions, which highlights conversation-focused results such as forum posts.


Note that if you use Brave Search while logged in to a Premium account, it may make it easier for Brave to correlate queries with specific users.

We recommend you disable Anonymous usage metrics as it is enabled by default and can be disabled within settings.


DuckDuckGo logo

DuckDuckGo 最主流的隱私搜尋引擎選項之一。 Notable DuckDuckGo search features include bangs and a variety of instant answers. The search engine uses numerous sources other than Bing for instant answers and other non-primary results.

DuckDuckGo is the default search engine for the Tor Browser and is one of the few available options on Apple’s Safari browser.


DuckDuckGo 提供兩種 其它版本 搜尋引擎,兩者皆不需要JavaScript。 然而,這些版本缺少特色。 These versions can also be used in conjunction with their Tor hidden address by appending /lite or /html for the respective version.


Startpage logo Startpage logo

Startpage is a private search engine. Startpage 的獨特功能之一是 匿名視圖 ,它努力標準化用戶活動,使其更難被突出識別。 這個功能可用來隱藏 某些 網路與瀏覽器特徵。 不像名字所暗示的,該功能不應該依賴於匿名。 如果您正在尋找匿名性,請改用 Tor瀏覽器


Startpage 大股東是System1,它是一家廣告技術公司。 我們不認為這是問題,因為他們有明顯分開的 隱私政策。 The Privacy Guides team reached out to Startpage back in 2020 to clear up any concerns with System1's sizeable investment into the service, and we were satisfied with the answers we received.

Startpage previously placed limitations on VPN and Tor users, but they recently created an official Tor hidden service, and as of April 2024 we have no longer noticed extra roadblocks for Tor or VPN users.

Metasearch Engines

A metasearch engine aggregates the results of other search engines, such as the ones recommended above, while not storing any information itself.


SearXNG logo

SearXNG is an open-source, self-hostable, metasearch engine. 它是一個積極維護的 SearX 分支。


SearXNG 是您和它所聚合的搜尋引擎之間的代理。 您的搜尋查詢仍會傳送至 SearXNG 取得搜尋結果的搜尋引擎。

在自我託管時,重要的是要讓其他人使用您的實例,以便查詢能夠混入其中。 您應該小心處理 SearXNG 託管,因為若有人在您的執行實例上查找非法內容,可能會引起當局的關注。

當您使用 SearXNG 實體時,請務必閱讀他們的隱私權政策。 由於 SearXNG 實體可能會被其擁有者修改,因此它們不一定反映其隱私政策。 有些實體是以 Tor 隱藏服務運行,只要您的搜尋查詢不包含 PII ,這可能會授予一些隱私。


**請注意,我們所推薦專案沒有任何瓜葛。 ** 除了 標準準則外,我們還發展出一套明確要求以提出客觀建議。 我們建議您在選擇使用項目之前先熟悉此列表,並進行自己的研究,以確保它是您的正確選擇。


  • Must not collect PII per their privacy policy.
  • Must not require users to create an account with them.


最佳案例標準代表了我們希望從這個類別的完美項目應具備的功能。 推薦產品可能沒有此功能,但若有這些功能則會讓排名更為提高。

  • 應該以開源軟體為基礎。
  • 不應該封鎖 Tor退出節點的 IP位址。

  1. Brave Search collects aggregated usage metrics, which includes the OS and the user agent. However, they do not collect PII. To serve anonymous local results, IP addresses are temporarily processed, but are not retained. https://search.brave.com/help/privacy-policy 

  2. DuckDuckGo does log your searches for product improvement purposes, but not your IP address or any other PII. https://duckduckgo.com/privacy 

  3. Startpage logs details such as operating system, user agent, and language. They do not log your IP address, search queries, or other PII. https://startpage.com/en/privacy-policy 

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